Carol Moore's Home Page
Land Army
On the 27th May 1998 I had the honour to accompany my mother to a Women's Land Army Reunion. This took place in the Wynnstay Hotel, Oswestry in Shropshire. BBC Radio Shropshire were there and so was the Oswestry Advertizer. Among some of the Land Girls that were there were those pictured below.Left to right: (Sitting)My mother Dorothy Moore (nee Travis), Mary Humphreys (nee Goff-Etchells),Joan Smith (nee Heatley), Violet Swannick (nee Moores) (Standing) Estelle Steinhart (nee Gorodkin, Barbara Jones (nee Price), Colin Young (Radio Shropshire),Mabel Jones' daughter, Mabel Jones(nee Price).
Valerie McCathie (nee Williams) was unable to make the journey to Oswestry from Gurnsey but hopes to meet up� with the 'Girls' later on this year.
If there is anyone out there who was in the Women's Land Army or who knows anyone who was, would you please get in touch with me, especially if� you were stationed at Llanforda Hall in Oswestry.� Any information would be gratefully appreciated.
Web Sites that you may be helpful:
email: [email protected]
Page updated 21 November, 1998 18:13